Wednesday 2 March 2011


The lovely Moss Stitch has given me an award! I feel so honoured!

The Liebster blog award is given to blogs with a small number of followers, I guess in order to promote these blogs and get more support for them; the word translates as 'dearest' in German. Once you receive the Liebster award you get to pass it on to several other blogs with less than 300 followers. These are the blogs that I consider to be worthy of such a lovely award:

Keston Kitchen is a great foodie blog, with reviews and recipes that will make you hungry, so beware!

Purl Alpaca Designs is the blog from the knitting kit specialist. I love their designs so like to keep an eye on what they're up to.

Handmade Lives is written by Dixie Nichols of Nichols Buttons. It's all about fabulous crafty people.

Coconutboots is a film and book review blog from one of my good friends.

Congratulations guys!

1 comment:

  1. Laura congratulations on your award, but you should have another, for your generous nature. You win an award and you immediately think who else should have one. Thank you Dixie
